One of the joys of posting random thoughts is that there is no organization to my thoughts. They are purely random. Sometimes they flow. Usually they don't. It's been more than a week since my last post because of the busyness of my life lately. There are lots of things to blog about but little time to blog! So here are a few random things that have crossed my mind in the past week or so.
- That stress can be very stressing on relationships. My fiancee and I are both so busy right now that we've had little time together in recent weeks. And I miss her. But she has a mountain of worries and stresses on her mind right now, mostly the end of the school year and things she has to do before our wedding August 1. She's constantly tired and so am I from an ever-increasing workload at the church. Not much fun.
- That stress has an upside, too. It provides me with a wonderful opportunity to show grace, compassion, and understanding to my gal. Basically, her stress is a ministry opportunity for me! Now I just need to figure out the best way to minister to her.
- That words have a power that no apology or explanation can diffuse. Our church sends out regular e-mails to the congregation to update them on situations, church events, or last-minute changes. Last weekend the decision was made to send an e-mail from the elders about a sudden staff change. The e-mail was lengthy by e-mail standards but very gracious in its wording. But on Sunday morning the congregation was stumbling over the words that were used. People were upset. People wanted a better explanation. The words didn't work. I tried to explain from the limited knowledge I had but came to find out that no explanation could undo the upset.
- That it IS possible to turn while your car is moving forward. Some people forget this and have to stop *in the lane* before they turn their car into a parking lot on a side street. It's not theological. But it's a pet peeve! And while I'm at it... if you're first in line at a red light, please pay attention to the light. Consider yourself a leader who has to get all your followers safely through a tough situation.
- That emotions can turn on a dime.