Ever feel like you're walking on thin ice? That no matter what you say or do, it has a great chance at failure? I hate walking on thin ice. Sure makes for a tough trek filled with anxiety, fear and insecurity! Thank goodness I serve a God who secures the ice beneath my feet so that I cannot fall through! So I can live in security, peace, and rest. A big part of growing young involves learning to trust that the ice will not break. That the God who leads you across the frozen pond will see you across in safety. Little children follow their parents where they lead. Adults are a lot more skeptical. We see the sign and go around the lake. We won't even trust the ice. We avoid it. Even if it means we have to go way out of our way.
What do you think about thin ice? Will you trust God if He leads you across it? Or will you say, "No thanks," and go a different way?
Be God's.
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