How far would you go to follow Jesus? What would you be willing to sacrifice? WHO would you be willing to sacrifice?
"And Jesus was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?" (Luke 9:23-25)
I joked with Megan today as she was on the phone with her mother that we were going to sell everything, live in poverty, and move to a reservation in New Mexico. We had just met with her financial planner to organize our finances and her mother was wondering how the meeting went. But that got me thinking. IRA's, bonds and investments are fine and all, but what if Jesus asked us to sell everything we have, leave our comfy jobs, and move out to someplace we never thought we'd be? What if God handed us the keys to a two-bedroom hogan (a traditional Navajo dwelling), and opened a door to teach music to poor children? Would I do it? Would Megan?
Rich Mullins did. And when he died in 1997 at age 41, that was his life. He had given up his apartment in Wichita, Kansas, moved to Window Rock, Arizona, and was teaching music and art (and the Gospel) to the poorest of the Navajo children. His music made him a millionaire. God made him a missionary. And he found the greatest fulfillment in his life under the Arizona and New Mexico stars.
So how far would you, go, my fellow American? Would you choose to drive a beat-up Oldmobile and wear the same wardrobe for a whole year? Would you make a move to another state without knowing the cost of living there first? Would you consider such an action irresponsible? Or would you consider it irrefutable?
The world's system runs on stocks and securities. It runs on life insurance and health insurance, and those things in themselves can be really good things! I like savings accounts and plan to add on to what Megan has already started. After all, as a man I feel responsible to take care of myself and my wife, leaving her in the best financial condition if the Lord called me home. I also want to make sure we are the best stewards of God's money as we can be.
But if the God of my money calls me to follow Him someplace on earth, I will leave my tax collector's booth behind and walk behind Him (Luke 5:27-28). I will will my nets and my studies, my fields and my worldly responsibilities. And not feel irresponsible. God trumps money. Every time (Matt 6:24).
How far would you go to follow Jesus? What would keep you from heeding His call?
Be God's!
Way to go, John. Jesus doesn't call us to be comfortable on this earth but to do His work, uncomfortably as we learn to depend on Him.
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