Friday, April 30, 2010

"Jennifer Knapp Comes Out"

I had wondered what happened to Jennifer Knapp, the hotshot Christian folk artist who hit the music scene 13 years ago when I was still a college lad. The songs off her debut album "Kansas" struck a chord with Christians across the country because the acoustic-driven, brutally honest and theologically rich tunes stood out from the mainstream of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM).

Well, she disappeared, indeed, around 2002. Gave up music, turned into a wanderer, moved to Australia, and battled a number of inner demons. She's back stateside now with a new album and a new identity. Music fans will hardly recognize her now and she just may have to build a brand new audience. Here's an interview conducted by Christianity Today a few weeks ago. The preamble sets the stage:

Seven years ago, while at the top of her game, Jennifer Knapp announced what seemed to many a sudden decision: She was stepping away from Christian music, taking an indefinite hiatus. Rumors began to swirl—she was burned out, she needed a rest, she was upset about something, she was gay. Turns out that all the rumors were true, as Knapp reveals in this rambling, exclusive interview with Christianity Today.

Jennifer Knapp Comes Out | Music | Christianity Today

Knapp says she is at her most joyous place in her life now, though she appears to be battling her faith and the community of faith at large. She says she is "in love" with her partner and is angry at the way the evangelical church has hated her kind. I don't like the judgmental church, either, but I also don't like her choice to pursue homosexuality and be OK with it.

On a side note: I do wish believers would show more love and grace to those in open sin instead of judgment. We don't have to condone their sin, just keep the door open for repentance and restoration. How does that old saying go, "Love the sinner, hate the sin"? It's a tough two-step to dance, but if we bathe their lives with our prayers, maybe the Holy Spirit's ministry will result in repentance and restoration. Always remember that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. That's His job. Our mission is not to go to every public sinner and point fingers and cast stones. What did Jesus say, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone"?

Yet still, I'm quite shocked at Jennifer Knapp's revelation to the world. After reading the interview, it is obvious that she has lost her grounding in the absolute truth of God's word. She says she has found comfort in His word but that same word seems to be less of an anchor and more of a crab pot. She has been swallowed up in the popular sea of relativity, where everyone must find their own faith, stick to it, and expect others to accept it. You know, it's that dreadful philosophy, "Your way is good for you, my way is good for me, let's just leave each others faith alone, okay?" But what if there is really only one Faith in one God?

I believe Jennifer to be saved. But her path of life is wayward. Please pray for her. Love her. And show her grace. For her sake. And for the sake of the kingdom.

Be God's.



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