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Taking a break from gardening in my front yard this afternoon..... |
Scattershooting on a slightly-more-than-extremely-searing afternoon in the Flowerplex...
- I've been dreaming lately about what I would do first if I was (Update: WERE) given a large sum of money, say 10,000 dollars or something like that. Of course, I have no reason to think that any such benevolence is coming my way and any financial venture I can think of would net, at most, a small loss. But what if... I won a competition. Or someone wanted to hire me as a consultant. Or my friend Chef Jerry and I sold about 2,000 911 Diet Plan: Kitchen Secrets videos.What would I knock out first (after giving some to my church)? Debt? Car Payment? Landlord? Help my folks? A little to all? Or would I do something crazy and get in my car, head down SH 114 west, and keep going until I hit the Pacific? Sounds fun. Like I said, I've been dreaming.
- Braved the heat and bought some more plants today. Rescued some abused bell pepper plants at Wal-Mart and bought some basil and thyme at Calloways. I was looking for fall veggies but the price was WAY too high ($4 for six seedings? You kidding me, Wal-Mart?). I now have a good herb collection that I hope to only grow (pun intended) in the future. I have rosemary, parsley, basil and thyme. I grew some sage to complete the Scarborough Faire quartet but it died a few months ago. I love fresh herbs. They turn my cooking into a pseudo-gourmet affair.
- Went on a search for Christian media production companies last night and came to some stomach-turning conclusions. I have grown to kinda dislike Christian terms "faith-based," "family-friendly" and "safe." In themselves, they're okay, but when attached to an artistic endeavor they usually mean I'm going to receive a poorer-quality product. Point in case, I went to one media website and they came clean up-front about how their company existed to make movies promoting a socially conservative agenda. That's fine and good, I thought to myself, but as a consumer, I only want to know one thing: are the movies any good? How's the screenplay, the acting, the direction and the cinematography? Are the characters "real" and relatable or are they cardboard cutouts? Is the movie so scrubbed clean of reality that it can no longer be identified as reality? I watched the movie trailer for their newest movie and I couldn't finish it. It was baaaad. Wooden dialogue, fake emotions, poor camera angles, and not very compelling. I'm glad the company has a conservative Christian viewpoint as the movie's bones but it's going to stink if it doesn't have good flesh and skin. Many of the companies I found want to produce "faith-based, family-friendly, safe entertainment" but if that entertainment isn't any good, it won't find a market. Even in the church.
- I decided today that if I started up my production company again I would have the slogan, "Our agenda is to not have an agenda." My goal would be to produce documentary films and series that contain information that entertains. No "faith-based" agenda. I'm just a man of faith doing what he finds amusing and hoping others are amused, too. Simple as that.
- I soon after realized that if I did that I wouldn't have the 10,000 dollars to spend. And the beat goes on.....
Don't forget your subjunctive mood, used for conditional or unlikely happenings: If I WERE given a large sum of money (or If I were a rich man [insert Jewish yodel here]). Because, unfortunately, a large sum of money is quite unlikely to drop down your chimney (maybe if your chimney were unblocked . . . [notice the smooth use of subjunctive mood there]). In all honesty, I wish I could win a bunch of money to give to you and my other loved ones. I keep filling out those surveys. . . .
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