I hate getting sick. Don't you?
All it takes is one sore throat to remind me that even though I am an immortal being destined for immortality, it won't be in this fallen body. Nope. This body is destined for ruin. For destruction. For sickness, illness and pain. It's the curse of the fall of mankind way back in Eden. God said to the immortal Adam, "Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it all the days of your life." All the days of your life? God made no mention of mortality until this comment. As of this point, Adam's days were numbered. God continued, "For you are dust, and to dust you shall return." This means sickness and illness would now affect the body. The body will break down until it is dust. Sore throats are just reminders of this fact. We are not in immortal bodies — yet. I say "yet" because we have new, regenerated, immortal bodies coming. Since Jesus rose from the dead with an immortal human body, we will also rise from the dead with an immortal body.
But for now we have to suffer the consequences of Adam's sin and the sin of everyone since him. And that divine curse includes getting sick.
what about Jesus redeeming the curse as the second adam, Jesus dwelling within us through HIs spirit and so bringing healing? isnt that what the cross accomplished?
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