Last night at Crossroads we had a very powerful Good Friday service. Meg played her flute beautifully on a version of the classic hymn "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" and Pastor Steve Hixon read through Isaiah 52 and 53 with the congregation. I was near tears as he read this hallowed passage of Scripture. No matter how many times I've heard it, it still amazes me today.
"He was crushed for our transgressions..."
Isaiah probably had little idea who he was describing in his prophecy, some 700 years before Christ. Yet the words described to a "t" the suffering and substitutionary sacrifice of our Lord in or around 33 A.D. It's really eerie. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1949, the words of the prophet became even more so. For dating to 100 B.C. was the entire Isaiah scroll, including the prophecy about the messiah. It could not have been forged or created after Jesus. It was written in stone (err... animal skin). And no one of Jesus' day disputed his suffering. He suffered. He was crucified.
For our transgressions. Not his own. For he had none for which to atone.
Incredible, Isaiah. Incredible.
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