"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel — which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ." -- Apostle Paul to the Galatian churches
It never ceases to amaze me how the kingdom of God is completely upside down (or is it right-side up?) compared to the kingdom of this world. After all, blessed are the meek and oppressed. Cursed are the proud and mighty. And then there is this: salvation and good standing before God is not swayed by anything we do. What was that? Performance doesn't matter? What about all those "do's" and "don'ts"? Well, they don't affect how God sees you. He knows that you and I can't cut it as holy people. We do not have that ability inherent within ourselves. There are none righteous, King David crooned a long time ago.
In the kingdom of this world we judge each other based on what we do, not who we are. If a man has great wealth and gives a lot to charity, we consider that man to be blessed. "He must be doing things right!" we think. Never mind the six marriages, the live-in girlfriend, the lives he has trampled on his way to the top. Nope. We don't judge based on his character. We judge based on the external things.
But in the kingdom of heaven, the King calls us to accept one another based on who we are — despite what we do. We will all mess up and fall. It's inevitable. But we are children of the King — adopted sons and daughters of God the Father — who are deeply flawed but dearly loved. And because we are sons and daughters, we should acceot one another, even if we stumble and fall. This is the message of grace. That the unacceptable would be accepted; the dead resurrected; and the unlovable found to be lovely. Permanently.
It's not based on performance. It's all about God's perfect grace. As the Chris Tomlin song, "How Can I Keep From Singing?" states, "I am loved by the King; and it makes my heart want to sing!"
Be God's!
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