"I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest." (King David, in Psalm 55:6)
PHYSICAL REST — The concept of "rest" has risen to the forefront of my life in recent years. What is "rest" and what does it take to truly feel "rested? It seems that everybody has a different way to relax and rest. There doesn't seem to be one perfect way. Some people find their rest through sleep, though I've found that too much sleep can tire me out as much as too little sleep! Others relax on a chair by the pool, lake, ocean, etc. for hours on end. Some people go on short road trips. I know of at least one person who finds rest in being alone and another who cannot rest if they are alone.
How do you rest your weary body and mind? Do you ever feel fully rested? Completely recharged? I must confess that I haven't found a lot of physical rest in past years. I've tried so many things to relax but they fail to completely recharge my batteries. My recent vacation to California was as close to restful as I've come in recent years. I almost stayed!
SPIRITUAL REST — Our Savior said, "Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." The Savior's rest is wonderful and reassuring. It eases my weary heart and takes a massive spiritual and emotional burden off my shoulders. But it doesn't make my joints stop hurting nor my head. It doesn't clear up by blurry vision or buy me a few extra days of vacation. It's wonderful for the soul but doesn't make the pain and fatigue go away. After all, the pain of work is part of the curse on mankind after Adam and eve's sinned.
Our God made a provision for physical rest a long time ago when He gave Israel a Sabbath Day. Its intention was to provide people a day of physical rest every week. The people were not to do any work on that day, a restriction which even included gathering food. The seventh day was a sacred day, a holy day (holiday) from labor. Six days man was to work, just like the Lord in creation, but the seventh was for rest. I wonder, how did the ancient Hebrews rest? What did they do? Were there games or sports? Was there a lot of sleeping in? Did they sit by the pool... err... sand... and soak in some shady sun for a few hours? If so, were they ready to go back to work Sunday morning?
If so, why doesn't that work so well for me? Maybe I need another vacation.....
Be God's.
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