There is an old adage that all-too-often applies to life:
"Sometimes when it rains, it pours."
Ever had one of those days? I'm sure most of us would rather not have any rain at all, but the human condition tells us that's just an empty wish. Into all of our lives a little rain must fall. For some, a few drops turn into a downpour that is quick but violent. Others experience a steady rain. Rather depressing, I think.
I know that lately a lot of rain has fallen in my life. I don't know why. I'd love to know why. Don't you wonder why the rain falls? I just know that I'm soaking wet. Brrrr..... My rain has been part financial. For the past four years I have been skating by, by the grace of God. Some of you have been there with me. From poverty to provision, God has watched over me during this time. Today I received a bucket of rain in the form of an electric bill. It read $437.79. Now I know that everybody has different-sized electric bills each month because we each have different size houses and different temperature tastes. Let me put mine in perspective: my bill costs me just about one dollar for every square foot I have to keep warm. And without wall insulation in my wood-and-siding blessing, it gets mighty cold in the winter. Seriously. As I type this I don't know how I'll pay this bill. The funds aren't there. But God still is. And I'm sure He has a plan in place.
Even so, I get soaked anyway.
Some rain is physical. Right now I'm suffering from some serious ailments, the extent of which I won't know until I see a doctor tomorrow. My body is breaking down on me progressively and it's starting to significantly affect my life. And my job. That stinks. More rain is emotional. I'll keep those details to myself but let's just say that last year was a really rough ride for me.
I wonder why the Lord brings rain on the righteous, those who find their identity in Christ, and not just the wicked. Why we must go through trial and temptation — agony of the spirit — on our path of salvation. I know God is sovereign and has promised to care for His children but why must His children get wet when it rains and pours? A Holy Spirit parka would be nice. In Ephesians 6, Paul mentions a wonderful litany of armor for us to wear in self-defense. But nowhere in that list is there an umbrella. Bummer.
I hate the rain. Maybe I'll learn something from it.
Be God's! (even when you get drenched)
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