I have a number of neat electronic features in my new Ford Focus that continually intrigue me. One of them is a gas/mileage readout on my dashboard that tells me how many miles I've driven total and in a trip, how many miles I have left at my current miles per gallon (MPG), what that MPG is, and whether my MPG is going higher or lower. On my way home from work tonight, I decided to check my city MPG just out of curiosity, so I started flipping through the dashboard options.
I had driven 42 miles since I filled up on Thursday, and had 393 miles left to go at 27 miles per gallon. My brain stopped at that middle number and wandered: 393. "Those are a lot of miles," I thought to myself. "I wonder where 393 miles would lead me?" And so, since it is 11:30 at night and my brain is still active, I decided to have some fun and see where 393 miles would lead me.
No, I didn't drive anywhere. No, I don't plan to drive anywhere, though that is always tempting to me. Instead I pulled out a map of the USA and started marking a 400-mile radius. On the remainder of my tank of gas, I could go to:
Galveston, Texas (actually, about 100 miles offshore)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Jackson, Mississippi
Little Rock, Arkansas
Branson, Missouri
Dodge City, Kansas
Amarillo, Texas (yes, 393 miles still finds me in Texas)
Clovis, New Mexico
Pecos, Texas
Laredo, Texas
Corpus Christi, Texas
Other fun facts about 393 miles:
Going a generous 70 miles per hour on the interstate — without stops — it would take 5 hours and 43 minutes to get where I'm going. That's a lot of sitting down, pressing the gas pedal (cruise control is for sissies), and holding in the natural bodily pressures. But for the sake of the great unknown? Might be worth it!
How far can YOU go on a tank of gas? Where would you want to go?
It's definitely time for bed...
Be God's!
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