Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oscar Watch... Out

Every year I usually get excited to watch the annual Academy Awards, usually with hopes of seeing one of the movies I watched win an award or two. Not this year, though. I think that I've just finally had enough of the rich and famous tooting their own horns during ceremonies like the Oscars. Just sick of it. Aren't you? They gather as aristocracy to act nice, look pretty, and applaud hypocrisy. It's hard for a plain, broke guy like me to enjoy.

When I watch award shows like the Oscars, Golden Globes or SAG Awards, I'm reminded of a brief scene in Titanic (which won a bushel of awards back in 1998). In this scene, Rose, the young fiancee of a wealthy New Englander has invited Jack, her third class friend of interest, to a formal first class dinner. After dinner, the wealthy first class men retreat into the parlor for cigars, brandy and upper class "chit chat." She says to Jack, "Next it'll be brandies in the Smoking Room." After the men get up to leave, Rose continues opining, "Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other on being masters of the universe."

I love movies like everyone else. And I think I know how to identify great acting in the midst of a lot of good acting. But the celebrities I am most drawn to are not those who appear on Entertainment Tonight, TMZ or Inside Edition. I usually like those who stay out of the starlight as much as possible. They always seem to be more genuine. More real.

I was looking for a Bible verse that captured what I was thinking tonight and stumbled across Proverbs 15:25. It seems to sum up God's opinion of the wealthy and the weak: "The LORD tears down the proud man’s house but he keeps the widow’s boundaries intact." Those who are proud of heart, of mind, and of emotion are destined for a fall. Sounds cliche but it's true. The Lord doesn't defend those who believe they can provide or protect themselves. They need to learn their place. Usually the fall is hard. Just ask Tiger Woods.

God doesn't value great acting or a dynamic screenplay. He doesn't stand and applaud the proud and famous. He looks after the widow and the orphan. The poor and afflicted when no one is near to help. Those who have been broken to now know that their lives are dependent on the Lord's provision. Those who fly below the radar and those who guard their steps.

The danger of celebrity is that we are setting people up to fall. We fill their minds and hearts with more pride than they naturally have from being sinful humans and once they rise on the pedestal it immediately starts shaking. For pride does not accompany stability. The only solid rock is humility. It is the way of the cross. It is the joy of the empty tomb.

It is the path of growing young.

Be God's!

UPDATE:  Okay, I caved. If only for two minutes. And just in time to see the one category I care about: original musical score. Michael Giacchino won for "Up" and I couldn't be more thrilled. His score was amazing! Brought me to tears when I first listened to it. I definitely recommend Giacchino's music. He is the John Williams of the next generation of composers. He also gave new life to Star Trek last year, as well as several other Pixar films. Okay... Watching the news now...



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