Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Struggles of Singlehood

For many single adults, the older they get the more despondent they become about their single state. Why won't God bring the right person into my life? Am I doomed to a life of singleness, of being all alone? Why can't I be married and happy like my friends? I stumbled across this Bluefish video today when searching for Easter illustrations. It chronicles one single woman's mental and emotional battle with her singleness. She doesn't see the blessings of singleness (just like most younger singles). Her battle is with her hopes and dreams and, maybe, even a bit of jealousy. It's a battle I have fought over and over and I have yet to meet a younger single who hasn't, to some degree, fought it, too. 

There is great blessing in being a single believer, just as there is great blessing in finding a partner and raising a family. Our times before marriage (for some, that is a lifetime) are perfect times to sink our roots into God's eternal truth and grow deep. Times to become disciples and servants in the Church and to minister to the needs of those like us. It's my prayer that this gal chooses to sit at the feet of Jesus during this tough time of her life.



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