- Santa Rosa and Puerta de Luna (chasing a Cornado legend)
- Villanueva and Villaneuva State Park (Spanish colony and amazing canyon area)
- The Manzano Mountains of central NM
- Abo Ruins church and pueblo (part of Salinas Pueblo Missions Nat'l Monument)
- Qurai Ruins church and pueblo (part of same Nat'l Monument)
- Albuquerque and Petroglyphs National Monument
- El Malpais National Monument (lava flow and volcanoes)
- El Morro National Monument (inscription rock for travelers)
- The Bisti Badlands Wilderness Area (unique geological formations)
- Aztec Ruins National Monument (a gigantic pueblo)
- Durango, Pagosa Springs (my future home), Wolf Creek Pass, and Alamosa, Colorado
- Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve
- The Rio Grande Gorge (barely survived)
- Taos & Angel Fire, NM
- Bandelier National Monument (reached the gatehouse. costs $12 to enter. I said no.)
- Valles Caldera National Preserve (a supervolcano)
- Jemez State Monument (another pueblo and mission ruin)
- Pecos National Historical Park (yet another pueblo and mission)
- Fort Union National Monument & the Santa Fe National Historic Trail
- Sugarite Canyon & State Park
- Capulin Volcano National Monument
A good vacation, I would think. Pictures and video are coming later on. For now I need to enjoy my second hot shower in the last 12 hours and dry my clothes to see which items survived the trip.
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