I kid you not. Of course, Valles Caldera isn't active anymore and is of no immediate threat to anyone, but those facts are just plain boring. The more exciting facts to a super-adventurer like me is that Valles Caldera is one of three supervolcano calderas currently monitored by the United States Geological Service for signs of activity. The other two show more life than Valles. One of them you've heard of: Yellowstone. But even while I was there I saw monitoring stations at various places, recording data. I tried to get into the most interesting place in the caldera, a place privately owned and coveted by scientists. It's called Sulfur Canyon and it's the location of most of the caldera's steam emissions, fumeroles (gas and steam vents) and bubbling sulfur springs. But a gate blocked my path. Drats!
On the non-volcanic side, Valles Caldera is a most amazing place to visit. There are vast valleys of green grass, pine-covered mountains (...of lava and ash), cold mountain streams, waterfalls, and crisp, clean air. It was beautiful. I camped inside the caldera (man, was it hot!) at a busy campground (Cub Scout outing and marathon runners) and did some hiking up to a hot spring this morning. The weather was fantastic, though I am constantly reminded of how out of shape I am in! A 200-foot climb left me winded and wishing for death (or a jet pack).
I'm in Santa Fe right now, eating dollar food at a McDonald's so I don't feel guilty for using their free Wi-Fi service. This is a really neat city but buuuuueeeesssssaaaaaayyyyyy (busy). There are people walking all over the place! My next stop will be Fort Union National Monument. It's about two hours away but I'll be on the Interstate which will make the drive much better. Then I head to Raton and Sugarite State Park. It has received rave reviews and has been rated one of the state's best "hidden gems." There's an abandoned coal mining camp inside the park's grounds. Should be cool.
Here are a few pics from the past few days. I'll let you guess where I was and what I was doing. It's more fun that way!
— John
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