Just a fun pic I took yesterday inside a dark, booby-trapped temple of the ancient Aztecs (Aztec National Monument) in the spirit of adventure. I'm at the Alamosa McDonald's (again) eating a dollar menu breakfast and plotting my next path. This morning I visited Great Sand Dunes National Park and had a blast, though it was a bit chilly and windy. Yep. Chilly. 44 degrees. In June. Oh yeah, a guy could get used to this... Next camping destination is a small free campground on the lip of Rio Grande Gorge in New Mexico. I have to get there in plenty of time to claim my spot. I tacked on a few extra pics from Aztec for you.
— John
Aztec Ruins National Monument reminded me a LOT of ancient walled cities of Old Testament Caanan. The walls of this 500-room pueblo/city were 3-4 feet thick on average and the pueblo stood three stories tall. Each family had a 10x10 room for a home and they had a number of
kivas (religious meeting places). One had been reconstructed in the 1920's by an archaeologist (pictured at left). Cool yet eerie.
Not a posed pic at all, was it? Indiana John in reaL action. But whwre are the bad guys chasing you?
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