Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wired for Sounds

As I sat down at my desk to write something this evening I had intended to ramble on about some theological or philosophical matter that had drawn my attention lately. But instead I find myself mesmerized by something outside my home office window. It's making a ruckus and yet it's soothing. It's calming and yet irritating. It is... sound. Yep. Sound! My window is open and I'm listening to the sounds filtering through my window screen.

Currently, it's raining. I can't see the rain through the darkness but I know it's there because of the evidence I hear. I can feel the breeze pick up through the window, as if some gale is winding up to blow. It's that wind that accompanies rain. You know, the draft that is cool and musty, humid and dusty? And then there are is the loud pitter-patter of raindrops, falling on the leaves at 150 beats per minute. Like a thousand metronomes winding down in play, it clicks with an irregularity that only nature could provide. A loud irregularity. Then there is the sound of my fountain and waterfall-fed pond. A few months ago I added a pond, water fountain and aqueduct system to my yard. It has two waterfalls, essentially, each of which splatters at a different octave. The water system is on right now and providing a depth to the rainfall.

The rain is dying down now, making the waterfalls more prominent. My ears find them soothing, lulling my spirit into a spirit of rest. And rest I think I shall.

Isn't sound a wonderful thing? Especially when you least expect to hear something grand?

Be God's.


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