Sunday, April 18, 2010

Random Thoughts from Center Field

Scattershooting while deeply hoping the sinus and throat stuff I'm fighting isn't anything more than simple allergies.

I'm thinking that....

  • The grace of God is a marvelous mystery that must be embraced to live the Christian life to its fullest. Why would God accept me — fallen and broken with two left feet and stubbed toes — as His child? Why would He not only save me but also justify me for life? I SO don't deserve it but I must embrace it. Knowing that He set me free from guilt and shame allows me to move on with my life and be devoted to His service.
  • I'm very thankful for the sound of raindrops on my front lawn. yesterday I opened my windows, turned off my electronic distractions, and just listened to the sound of rain falling on the ground outside. The air was a little cool but I didn't care. The pitter-patters, plops, drops, and splashes were incredibly relaxing and just made me plain happy. It's funny how we tend to collect a lot of "stuff" in this world with the goal of being happy yet often find our truest happiness in the sound of simple raindrops.
  • That it's hard to ask people to give money to different causes every Sunday morning, yet even harder to choose one to ignore for the sake of others. Like many churches, my fellowship is in a budget shortfall and the deficit is growing each week. Our general giving is down but it's difficult to ask people to give more when many are holding on for dear life out in this world. Everyone needs funds to operate in this world (which is something I really don't like about this place but it's a reality I'm forced to embrace). Missionaries need money, the poor need money, student ministries need money, our lawn and custodial people need money, our staff needs to be paid, etc. Folks are stretched thin, financially, and I think a lot of churches are re-evaluating how they do ministry right now as a result. For instance, my church is increasing its reliance on volunteer labor and cutting programs out of the budget. As the church publisher, I've reduced paper consumption and am trying to minimize machine wear. 
  • That scratchy throats and runny nasal passages make typing the only bearable activity for my body on a Sunday afternoon. But, alas, I am out of random thoughts.
Be God's!



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