Saturday, April 25, 2009



“I’m a minister. But I’m a street guy of the cloth.”
(Jerry Cangemi)

My good friend Jerry said this in a conversation last night and it was so good that I hope he forgives my writing it down and using it here! We tend to think of "ministers" as paid professionals with seminary degrees who spend their time studying the Bible and practicing holiness. But if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a minister! Some do have degrees and wear clergical clothes and study the Bible day and night, but every follower is called to be a witness of Jesus Christ in this world and in His Church. We are all called to "do the work of the ministry."

My friend has the right idea. He's a "street guy of the cloth." No flash, no four-sylable words. Just a man following Jesus every day and doing the work of ministry. And you can be just like him.



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