Monday, April 6, 2009

Suffering in the Seasons

.Well, today is another wild weather day here in North Texas. On Saturday, we had a high of 83 degrees. Today it is 58. Yep. a 25-degree change in 48 hours.

Is it just me, or are you, too, getting tired of these temperature swings? How about this wind? Over the past few weeks the wind has been unrelenting here. I'm thinking we all could save a lot of money by installing wind turbines on our roofs. Or save on airfare by strapping a hang glider to our backs. Let's see... the wind is from the south today.... Kansas anybody?

Everyday it seems the weather reminds me of who is in control and who is not. I watch the weather guys on TV and kind of chuckle, first of all, because the thermostat is going up and down, but secondly because they may have weather degrees but what happens in the future is just an educated guess and not a certainty. No one knows the future but the Lord and those to whom he chooses to reveal it. So we live in faith.

Whenever I encounter an inconsistency in the weather (which is every week) I'm reminded of these simple words in Daniel 2:20-21:

"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons..."

It's all God.



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