Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thoughts From the Plane

This is my first Internet access of my trip (outside of a quick Sunday e-mail check) so I have five days' worth of thoughts to share with you. Alas, it is after midnight (Pacific time) and I will only share a few observations I had during my three-hour flight from DFW to Santa Ana airport on Friday morning.

  • Clouds are amazing. We rose above the cloud line just west of Fort Worth and, for a while, it appeared the ground was a soft, comfy, cotton-y blanket. You know, the kind you like to jump on after a long, hard day and sink into that blissful place between awake and sleep? Yeah, THAT comfy.
  • The earth's crust is amazing. I absolutely love to stare out the window on flights and watch the ground go by underneath me. I see rivers snake their way across plains and carve out canyons . I see mountains in the distance slowly get bigger until we are right above them and then they slowly pass away. I saw volcanoes in New Mexico (extinct ones, of course!) and sand dunes in Arizona. I saw the Colorado River give life to arid lands and the San Andreas Fault slice through the California desert. We have a wonderful world of many faces. God made them all and has given them to us. Amazing.
  • That many parents have lost control of their children from a very early age. I was surrounded on this flight by two mothers and their combined four children. One little girl kicked my seat and played with her tray the whole flight. Her mom kept threatening her with this punishment and that but the little girl wouldn't stop. She eventually got some toy car or something taken away from her for three days. or so the mom promised. Another mom apologized to my row-mate and I after we landed for the behavior of her two kids -- who wouldn't stop fighting the entire flight. What is going wrong with parents these days? None of the kids looked older than seven. Parents apologizing for their kids?
  • That time zone changes can really mess up a biological clock.
  • How marvelous is the ability to fly like a metal bird in the sky. God didn't give us wings, but He DID give us the ability to discover His natural law and see that when air passes over a certain shape, it provides lift. And that rudders not only work on water but on air, too! Amazing.

Be God's!



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